Dr Bhandarkar Publications
Books Chapters / Invited Contributions
Bhandarkar DS. Laparoscopic surgery in the new millennium. In, Millennium Update, Tuticorin Branch of IMA, 2001 |
Bhandarkar DS. Rectal prolapse: pathogenesis and clinical presentation. In, Clinical Book, 5th Instructional Course in Coloproctology, 2001 |
Bhandarkar DS. Laparoscopic cholecystectomy: pearls and pitfalls. In, Workshop Proceedings on Biliary-pancreatic Diseases, 2001 |
Bhandarkar DS. Training for laparoscopic surgery. In, Current Perspectives in Laparoscopy, Surgery and Endoscopy, 2001 |
Bhandarkar DS. Training in laparoscopic surgery. In, Proceedings of International Conference on Minimal Access Surgery, 2003. |
Katara AN, Bhandarkar DS. Maintenance and sterilization of laparoscopic instruments. In, Proceedings of MAS 2003 workshop, 2003 |
Bhandarkar DS. Laparoscopic splenectomy for ITP: the gold standard. In, Proceedings of the 1st National Conference on ITP, 2004. |
Bhandarkar DS. Equipment and instrument failure and malfunction in laparoscopic surgery. In, A Monograph on Minimal Access Surgery, 2005. |
Bhandarkar DS. Laparoscopic surgery for groin hernias – controversies and results. In, Introduction to Endohernia Surgery - A Monograph, 2005 |
Bhandarkar DS. Evidence-based applications of Harmonic Scalpel. In, Harmonic Digest, 2005. |
Shankar M, Bhandarkar DS. Ultrasonic energy sources in laparoscopic surgery. In, Laparoscopic surgery: instrumentation and equipment, 2006 |
Bhandarkar DS, Katara AN. Sterilization & maintenance of laparoscopic instruments and equipment. In, Comprehensive Laparoscopic Surgery. Ed. Kriplani A, Bhatia P, Prasad A, et al. 2007. |
Bhandarkar DS. Ten steps of SEPS (Subfascial Endoscopic Perforator Surgery). In, Bhatia Global Hospital Newsletter. 2009. |
Bhandarkar DS, Behera RR. Laparosocpic surgery for acute appendicitis. In, The Appendix. ECPB Clinical Update Series. Nundy S, Nagral S (Editors). Elsevier. 2011;45-61. |
Bhandarkar DS. Single incision laparoscopic surgery. In Comprehensive laparoscopic surgery. 2nd Edition. Deshpande SV, Dalvi AN, Bhandarkar DS, Deshpande AA, Thaper PM. (Editors). 2012. |
Bhandarkar DS, Katara AN. Sterilization & maintenance of laparoscopic instruments and equipment. In, Comprehensive Laparoscopic Surgery. 2nd Edition. Deshpande SV, Dalvi AN, Bhandarkar DS, Deshpande AA, Thaper PM. (Editors). 2012. |
Bhandarkar DS. Laparo-endoscopic single-site surgery. In Haribhakti S (Editor). Surgical Gastroenterology (2nd Ed.). 2013:1213-1222. |
Bhandarkar DS, Salgaonkar H, Sharma P. Achalasia cardia. In Chattopadhyay TK (Editor). GI Surgery Annual. 2013;20:1-22. |
Bhandarkar DS. Single incision laparoscopic surgery. In Deshpande SV, Dalvi AN, Bhandarkar DS, Deshpande AA, Thaper PM. (Editors). Comprehensive laparoscopic surgery (3rd Ed). 2014. |
Bhandarkar DS, Katara AN. Sterilization & maintenance of laparoscopic instruments and equipment. In Deshpande SV, Dalvi AN, Bhandarkar DS, Deshpande AA, Thaper PM. (Editors). Comprehensive Laparoscopic Surgery (3rd Ed). 2014. |
Udwadia TE, Bhandarkar DS. An operative technique of laparoscopic cholecystectomy. In Agarwalla R, Thanakumar J. (Editors). Comprehensive Laparoscopic Surgery (4th Ed). 2018. |
Singh MP, Verma N, Samant A, Bhandarkar DS. Reduced port laparoscopic surgery. In Agarwalla R, Thanakumar J. (Editors). Comprehensive Laparoscopic Surgery (4th Ed). 2018. |
Kulkarni GV, Bhandarkar DS. Para-oesophageal hernia. In Abraham SJ, Kumar A (Editors). Contemporary Surgery (1st Ed.). 2018;3:36-55. |
Bhandarkar DS. Open and laparoscopic repair of femoral hernia. In. Chowbey PK and Lomanto D. (Editors). Techniques of abdominal wall hernia repair. (1st Ed). 2019:141-45. |
Bhandarkar DS, Singh MP, Verma N, Premchandani D. Single incision laparoscopic surgery. In Haribhakti S (Editor). Surgical Gastroenterology (3rd Ed.). 2019;12:1687-98. |
Chitnis A, Kulkarni GV, Bhandarkar DS. Safety in surgery for achalasia cardia: evidence and recommendations. In Tantia O, Chaudhari T. (Editors). Safety Guidelines in Minimal Access Surgery Practice. (1st Ed.). Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers. 2021:140-151. |
Bhandarkar DS, Mishra SK, Jani K, Rege S. Equipment and instruments. In. Chowbey PK (Editor). Minimal Access Surgery Guidelines and Recommendations (2nd Ed.). 2022;65-84. |
Sane D, Kulkarni GV, Reddy G, Bhandarkar DS. Minimal access surgery for disorders of the diaphragm. In Garg HP, Agarwalla R, Makam R (Editors). Textbook of Laparoscopic, Endoscopic and Robotic Surgery. (1st Ed.). Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers. 2024:226-245. |
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