
Dr Bhandarkar Publications

Books Chapters / Invited Contributions

Bhandarkar DS. Laparoscopic surgery in the new millennium. In, Millennium Update, Tuticorin Branch of IMA, 2001
Bhandarkar DS. Rectal prolapse: pathogenesis and clinical presentation. In, Clinical Book, 5th Instructional Course in Coloproctology, 2001
Bhandarkar DS. Laparoscopic cholecystectomy: pearls and pitfalls. In, Workshop Proceedings on Biliary-pancreatic Diseases, 2001
Bhandarkar DS. Training for laparoscopic surgery. In, Current Perspectives in Laparoscopy, Surgery and Endoscopy, 2001
Bhandarkar DS. Training in laparoscopic surgery. In, Proceedings of International Conference on Minimal Access Surgery, 2003.
Katara AN, Bhandarkar DS. Maintenance and sterilization of laparoscopic instruments. In, Proceedings of MAS 2003 workshop, 2003
Bhandarkar DS. Laparoscopic splenectomy for ITP: the gold standard. In, Proceedings of the 1st National Conference on ITP, 2004.
Bhandarkar DS. Equipment and instrument failure and malfunction in laparoscopic surgery. In, A Monograph on Minimal Access Surgery, 2005.
Bhandarkar DS. Laparoscopic surgery for groin hernias – controversies and results. In, Introduction to Endohernia Surgery - A Monograph, 2005
Bhandarkar DS. Evidence-based applications of Harmonic Scalpel. In, Harmonic Digest, 2005.
Shankar M, Bhandarkar DS. Ultrasonic energy sources in laparoscopic surgery. In, Laparoscopic surgery: instrumentation and equipment, 2006
Bhandarkar DS, Katara AN. Sterilization & maintenance of laparoscopic instruments and equipment. In, Comprehensive Laparoscopic Surgery. Ed. Kriplani A, Bhatia P, Prasad A, et al. 2007.
Bhandarkar DS. Ten steps of SEPS (Subfascial Endoscopic Perforator Surgery). In, Bhatia Global Hospital Newsletter. 2009.
Bhandarkar DS, Behera RR. Laparosocpic surgery for acute appendicitis. In, The Appendix. ECPB Clinical Update Series. Nundy S, Nagral S (Editors). Elsevier. 2011;45-61.
Bhandarkar DS. Single incision laparoscopic surgery. In Comprehensive laparoscopic surgery. 2nd Edition. Deshpande SV, Dalvi AN, Bhandarkar DS, Deshpande AA, Thaper PM. (Editors). 2012.
Bhandarkar DS, Katara AN. Sterilization & maintenance of laparoscopic instruments and equipment. In, Comprehensive Laparoscopic Surgery. 2nd Edition. Deshpande SV, Dalvi AN, Bhandarkar DS, Deshpande AA, Thaper PM. (Editors). 2012.
Bhandarkar DS. Laparo-endoscopic single-site surgery. In Haribhakti S (Editor). Surgical Gastroenterology (2nd Ed.). 2013:1213-1222.
Bhandarkar DS, Salgaonkar H, Sharma P. Achalasia cardia. In Chattopadhyay TK (Editor). GI Surgery Annual. 2013;20:1-22.
Bhandarkar DS. Single incision laparoscopic surgery. In Deshpande SV, Dalvi AN, Bhandarkar DS, Deshpande AA, Thaper PM. (Editors). Comprehensive laparoscopic surgery (3rd Ed). 2014.
Bhandarkar DS, Katara AN. Sterilization & maintenance of laparoscopic instruments and equipment. In Deshpande SV, Dalvi AN, Bhandarkar DS, Deshpande AA, Thaper PM. (Editors). Comprehensive Laparoscopic Surgery (3rd Ed). 2014.
Udwadia TE, Bhandarkar DS. An operative technique of laparoscopic cholecystectomy. In Agarwalla R, Thanakumar J. (Editors). Comprehensive Laparoscopic Surgery (4th Ed). 2018.
Singh MP, Verma N, Samant A, Bhandarkar DS. Reduced port laparoscopic surgery. In Agarwalla R, Thanakumar J. (Editors). Comprehensive Laparoscopic Surgery (4th Ed). 2018.
Kulkarni GV, Bhandarkar DS. Para-oesophageal hernia. In Abraham SJ, Kumar A (Editors). Contemporary Surgery (1st Ed.). 2018;3:36-55.
Bhandarkar DS. Open and laparoscopic repair of femoral hernia. In. Chowbey PK and Lomanto D. (Editors). Techniques of abdominal wall hernia repair. (1st Ed). 2019:141-45.
Bhandarkar DS, Singh MP, Verma N, Premchandani D. Single incision laparoscopic surgery. In Haribhakti S (Editor). Surgical Gastroenterology (3rd Ed.). 2019;12:1687-98.
Chitnis A, Kulkarni GV, Bhandarkar DS. Safety in surgery for achalasia cardia: evidence and recommendations. In Tantia O, Chaudhari T. (Editors). Safety Guidelines in Minimal Access Surgery Practice. (1st Ed.). Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers. 2021:140-151.
Bhandarkar DS, Mishra SK, Jani K, Rege S. Equipment and instruments. In. Chowbey PK (Editor). Minimal Access Surgery Guidelines and Recommendations (2nd Ed.). 2022;65-84.
Sane D, Kulkarni GV, Reddy G, Bhandarkar DS. Minimal access surgery for disorders of the diaphragm. In Garg HP, Agarwalla R, Makam R (Editors). Textbook of Laparoscopic, Endoscopic and Robotic Surgery. (1st Ed.). Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers. 2024:226-245.

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